Best Practice Certification has rebranded to Citation Certification

Internal Auditor Training

Internal auditing contributes significantly to the process of continual improvement in business performance.

This course has a core focus on internal auditors, who work with members of staff to review and improve policies, procedures, work instructions and the way they do business. The format of the course is designed to specifically address the internal audit training requirements of quality, environmental, WHS and a number of other business management systems.


▼ Who is this course for? 

The course modules cover the essential skills and learning for all types of internal auditors.  The course helps to develop the base skills required by management system managers, quality officers, environmental officers, OHS officers, inspectors, and internal staff selected for internal or basic audit, inspection, and investigation functions.

▼ Areas covered in the course:

  • Managing the audit program
  • Initiating the audit
  • Conducting the document review
  • Preparing for onsite activities
  • Conducting the audit
  • Preparing the audit report
  • Completing the audit
  • Conducting audit follow-up

Each of the internal audit procedures covered by the trainer demonstrates how participants can be most effective in their audit activities.

▼ Course includes: 

  • Videos
  • Downloadable material

▼ Recognition of Learning: 

Participants will be eligible to receive a Certificate of Completion following the completion of the course.

▼ Course Length: 

This course is completely self paced, however we suggest that if you watch all of the training videos, read the content and take the practical tasks, the course should take approximately 16 hours to complete. 

 * Please note this is only an estimated time guideline. We are aware that everyone learns at different paces. 



50% Complete

Two Step

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