Best Practice Certification has rebranded to Citation Certification

ISO 9001:2015 - Essentials

An excellent introduction to the principles of ISO 9001 Quality Management.                    ...

This course will provide you with valuable knowledge and understanding of ISO 9001.

 Your trainer unravels all of the terms and principles in plain and simple language that can be used by real people in everyday businesses and organisations.


▼ Who is this course for?

  • Those who need to understand ISO 9001 and how it works
  • Those with an interest in Quality Management Systems
  • Those involved in the implementation, development or management of an ISO 9001 Quality Management System

▼ Course includes:

  • Videos
  • Downloadable material

▼ Recognition of Learning:

Participants will be eligible to receive a “Certificate of Completion” following the completion of the course.

▼ Course Length:

This course is completely self paced, however we suggest that if you watch all of the training videos, read the content and take the practical tasks, the course should take approximately 16 hours to complete. 

 * Please note this is only an estimated time guideline. We are aware that everyone learns at different paces. 



50% Complete

Two Step

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